Package swpchat.server

Interface Summary
ChannelCollectionListener This interface has to be implemented by the classes, which want to receive messages about new channels, renamed channel and removed channels.
ChannelListener This interface has to be implemented by the classes, which want to receive events from the channels.
ListenerBase Base Listener interface, which provides abstract methods that are common for all listeners.

Class Summary
Channel The Communicative context of a client in the server.
ChannelCollection This class saves all possible channels at the server.
ClientConnection This class embeds the protocol handling class into the server.
ConnectedClientCollection This class saves all connected client, that means that these client have an controlProcotocolHandler instantiated.
ConnectionCollection This class is a collection specialized in ClientConnection objects.
ControlProtocolHandler class that handles the ControlProtocol with one client
ControlProtocolReceiverThread class used for normal receiving of controlProtocol
FriendsCollection FriendsCollection manages lists of nicks, who want to be notified of state-changes of others, that is join, leave, online, offline,..
InformerThread This Thread(class) is used to inform all clients of a given command.
ProtocolHandler Used for communication with the client, the server part of the chat protocol
ReceiverProtocolHandler Used for the Receiver to pass on Messages to the Client
SenderProtocolHandler Used for communication with the client, the server part of the chat protocol
SpChatServer The server's main class.
SpecializedCollection This class is a collection specialized in ClientConnection objects.
UserInfo This class encapsulates a UserInfo set
UserInfoHandler encapsultaes methods for handleing userInfo relating commands

Exception Summary
AuthorizationException thrown by ProtocolHandler.authorize when authorization fails
NoSuchChannelException Collections may throw this error if accessing a member constitutes an exception, that is: if existance of the member was a prerequisite.
NoSuchMemberException Collection may throw this Exception, if search-key does not exist