Package swpchat.client.gui

Class Summary
AboutWindow The class that constructs and displays the About panel of the SWPchat chat systen.
AdminFrame Admin window of the chat client.
BorderedLabel A simple JLabel which is bordered with a LineBorder.
ChatFrame The chatframe.
ConnectPropsDialog This Dialog shows the information about the connection, the servername and the nickname.
ContactsFrame The ContactsFrame.
EarmuffsWindow This Window is opened along with the ChatFrame and used for setting Earmuffs
EmotionWindow This Window is opened along with the ChatFrame and used for setting properties of an Emotion
FavoriteColorChooser frame for a color chooser
GbcControl Class to handle GridBagLayout more comfortable.
GbcHandler Offers function for setting membervariables of GridBagConstraints.
ImageFileFilter Filter which only allows .jpg, .gif, .jpeg files.
ImagePreviewPanel Panel which contains a text label and an image label to show the preview image.
InfoPopup Manages the PopUpMenu entries
InputDialog A simple input dialog
MainFrameGUI Main window of the chat client.
MemberListEntry This class handles the entries of the MemberMapList
MessageDialog Dialog to show short messages.
PictureChooser Specification of JFileChooser.
PictureFrame Class to show a received picture and allows to save it.
PicturePanel panel for showing images and their filename and filesize.
ProgressFrame Frame that contains a progress bar to show progress of file transfer.
ReceiveFileQuestionDialog Dialog to ask the user if a file should be received.
ShipWindow This Window is opened along with the ChatFrame and used for put ships on/off someone
ShowUserInfoFrame this class defines a graphical user interface for changing the user's attributes like first name, hobbies etc.
SWPFrame abstract class needed for the opportunity to call sendTelephoneRequest() from TelephonRequestWindow on different types of JFrames.
TabChannel A tab to create new Channels.
TabConnect A tab to change connection values.
TabContacts A tab to show your contacts and store or delete them from the Properties
TabSound A tab to change to create and delete sounds.
TabTelephony A tab to adjust Telephony application paths.
TabUserInfo A tab to change connection values.
TelephonGui The class that constructs and displays the GUI for the SWPtelephone.
TelephonRequestWindow If you want to phone someone, you will see this GUI element.
TextFieldFocusListener Listener which should be added to TextFields.
UserInfoFrame this class defines a graphical user interface for changing the user's attributes like first name, hobbies etc.
WhisperWindow This Window is opened along with the ChatFrame and used for sending a Message to just one other client